ENTER Mölndal - Kvarnbyn

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Please note

After five years it is time to say farewell to ENTER Mölndal. We want to thank everyone who has taken part in the experiences since the start!

About Kvarnbyn

Kvarnbyn (”the Mill Village”) and the river with its almost 48 meters high rapids make up the origins of Mölndal. Here, the power from the water has given people the chance to live, survive, work and create for over a thousand years.

Already during the Middle Ages, millers used the water power to run mills and in the 17th century there were around thirty flour mills, saw mills and paper mills here. By the end of the 19th century Mölndals Kvarnby had developed into one of Sweden’s more important industrial areas.

Bring your phone and go for a walk below the powerful rapids. Open windows to history and discover the site through voices and stories from different times.