ENTER Mölndal - Tulebosjön

Promotional image ENTER Tulebosjön

After five years it is time to say farewell to ENTER Mölndal. We want to thank everyone who has taken part in the experiences since the start!

About Tulebosjön

By lake Tulebosjön in Kållered archaeologists have found exciting traces in the ground. During excavations in 1998 an entire system of pits was discovered, where fires were lit several thousand years ago! 132 pits, six hearths and eight post holes were found. They are from the Bronze Age.

But why are they here and what have they been used for?

Bring your mobile and go for a walk next to the lake. Step into virtual spaces that tell of the history of this place based on what we know – and don’t know - about the pits where the fires were lit several thousand years ago.